People typically get excited to move
into a new home. You get to decorate this house to make it your own. Change can be for the best. I know personally I like a little change after living somewhere for so long. The same four walls get boring after awhile and you end up knowing every inch of your yard outside. However sometimes you cant bring your pet into this new house
of yours. If your dog is apart of the family like mine is, then discovering he can't come to your new home
with you is heart breaking. Here are some things you can do with your pet.
1. Rehome the pooch
You can do this several ways. You may know a friend looking for a pet. This would be your best option if you must part with your friend. You could find a local no-kill shelter. But never use a website such as Craigslist. You have no idea what their intentions for your pup might be.
2. Negotiate
with your new land lord.
Some landlords may have this rule due to past experiences. If you have a very docile dog, or a well trained dog, they may consider allowing them stay with you.
Whatever you do, don't abandon your dog. This will damage it mentally just like it would a person. They're are about 70 million stay animals living in the U.S. Many of these animals die each year to disease and starvation. Many animal diseases could have been prevented today but have been spread by animals that have been abandoned and got the diseases from feral animals. So help the animal population and rehome fido the happy humane way.
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